perm filename LISTS[AM,DBL] blob sn#549582 filedate 1980-12-05 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	AI Students who graduated about the same time Lenat did:
C00006 ENDMK
AI Students who graduated about the same time Lenat did:
	Randall Davis, Dave Barstow, Bob Bolles, Bill Faught,
	Lou Steinberg, Elaine Kant, Bill Clancey, Gordon Novak,
	Mike Rychener, Gene Charniak, Neal Goldman, Chuck Rieger,
	Chris Riesbeck, Jim Low, Ron Brachman, Irene Greif,
	Drew McDermott, Wendy Lehnert, Gary Hendrix, George Robertson,
	Vic Lesser, Lee Erman, Bill Mark, Tom Mitchell, Steve Rubin,
	Earl Sacerdoti, Jeff Rulifson, Gerry DeJong, Phil Cohen, 
	Mike Genesereth, Linda Hemphill, Ben Kuipers, Jim Meehan,
	Phil Klahr, Howard Austin
Very recently:  Jon Doyle, Johan deKleer, Peter Friedland, Mark Stefik,
	Jan Aikins, Bill van Melle, Larry Masinter, Alan Borning,
	Dave Wilkins, Jerry Kaplan, Jaime Carbonnell, Brian McCune,
	Jack Mostow, Mark Fox, Jonathan King, Reid Smith, Elaine Rich,
	Pat Langley, Mark Miller, Bill Swartout, Janet Kolodner, D. Dankel,
	John Gaschnig, S. Weiss, David Levy, David Neves,

Of these, the following are doing related work on learning, discovery, and
the general field of heuristics itself: 
	Tom Mitchell, Pat Langley, Bill Clancey, Gordon Novak, Jack Mostow,
	John Gaschnig, Sholom Weiss, David Neves

Potential References:
	Marvin Minsky, AI Lab, 545 Technology Sq., Cambridge, Ma.
	W. W. Bledsoe, Math Department, U. Texas at Austin
	Bernard Meltzer, Artificial Intelligence Dept., U. of Edinbugh, Scotland
	John Seely Brown, XEROX PARC, Palo Alto, Ca.
	Randall Davis, Computer Sci. Dept.,  MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
	Rick Hayes-Roth, Rand Corp, Santa Monica, Ca.
	Raj Reddy, Computer Science Dept., Carnegie-Mellon University, Pgh., Pa.
	Saul Amarel, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
	Peter Hart, Fairchild Corp., Palo Alto, Ca.
	Adrian de Groot, Amsterdam, Netherlands
	G. Polya, Stanford U.
	B. L. van der Waarden, Wiesliacher 5, 8053 Zurich, Switzerland
	Pat Winston, AI Lab, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
	Robert Balzer, Information Sciences Institute, Los Angeles, Ca.